Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Plant Powered

Picture by Rick Ligthelm
My life can be slightly chaotic and very busy, and as things get more hectic my diet deteriorates.  I don’t think I am alone in this struggle. So, I feel it is time my diet got a bit more focus than it has had recently.

I am an omnivore, and have been all my life, and love meat, and food in general.  However, my main dietary recommendation to everyone I train is to eat more fruit and vegetables – raw when possible.  The 5 a day recommendation is a minimum, and I always felt should be exceeded most days, which great to see being highlighted in recent studies.

So following my own advice I am giving my diet a bit of a makeover.  Here are my rules:
    100% Vegetarian
    50%+ raw food
    No processed sugar
    No trans fats

This isn’t just about being vegetarian.  There are plenty of rubbish vegetarian and vegan foods available, my aim is eating for optimum health.  As Hippocrates said:

Let thy food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.

My diet will be based on raw fruit, vegetable nuts and seeds.  Diet changes don’t have to be all or nothing and for the rest of your life.  I am aiming for 1 full month sticking strictly to this, see how I feel and how easily I can adapt parts of the diet to my life after that.
My decision isn’t because I feel that meat is inherently unhealthy, but there is large push for meat heavy diets with the Paleo and LCHF trends, which I not only feel is unnecessary but also I don’t believe the quality of meat generally available is of a high enough standard.  All nutritional requirements can be met with a plant based diet and the abundance of vitamins and minerals available in these foods are fantastic for health. 

So as of today, I will implement my new dietary regime and will be fully powered by plants.  Any amazing Veggie recipes, gratefully accepted!

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